A White Piano
The Kentucky Kernel was a powerful, even transformative experience for me. Two years as a staffer there set my course in life. Though I...
A White Piano
Pour Some Sugar on Steve
Big Generator (1987)
Hunting High and Low (1985)
My Car Seat Rocker
Cereal Box Singles (1970)
My Couch Pillow Fort: Or, the Importance of Avoiding Hot LavaÂ
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
My First Beer
The Harmonica
Puzzles of My Childhood
Star Trek, Humanism, and Tony Campolo
My Turkey Bacon Sandwich
Nerds: The Silent Generation
The Nerd's Life-Long Accumulation of Random Information and Useless Knowledge
Nerd Supremacy
Nature's Nerds
The Dark Nerd
The Dork Knight